1. Start exercising on a more regular basis. Like, three times a week, at LEAST. Krav twice a week only counts as one time - not enough cardio.
2. Learn how to spell exercise.
3. Continue going to Krav Maga twice a week.
4. Cook a new dish (or favorite, non-easy dish) once a week or, at least, twice a month.
5. Learn to be happier with what I have and current situations.
6. Try not to gripe so much to other people about things that go wrong. Everyone has shit hitting the fan.
7. Learn to believe in myself.
8. Learn to see myself as beautiful. Not just pretty or cute. But b-e-a-utiful. May take more than one year.
9. Be a better friend. This means learning to shut up when others need someone to listen.
10. Graduate from BGSU with a GPA above 3.5 (so far on track).
11. Apply to grad schools for a MBA with a specialization marketing. Take MCAT to do so.
12.... suggestions?
11 has changed after speaking to a family member who works for Leo Burnett/Arc Worldwide as a project manager. She suggested that the best route for me, long-term, is to go out and get my feet wet.