Sunday, December 27, 2009

New Years Resolutions *question mark*

Some potential new year resolutions for myself:

1. Start exercising on a more regular basis. Like, three times a week, at LEAST. Krav twice a week only counts as one time - not enough cardio.

2. Learn how to spell exercise.

3. Continue going to Krav Maga twice a week.

4. Cook a new dish (or favorite, non-easy dish) once a week or, at least, twice a month.

5. Learn to be happier with what I have and current situations.

6. Try not to gripe so much to other people about things that go wrong. Everyone has shit hitting the fan.

7. Learn to believe in myself.

8. Learn to see myself as beautiful. Not just pretty or cute. But b-e-a-utiful. May take more than one year.

9. Be a better friend. This means learning to shut up when others need someone to listen.

10. Graduate from BGSU with a GPA above 3.5 (so far on track).

11. Apply to grad schools for a MBA with a specialization marketing. Take MCAT to do so.

12.... suggestions?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Dreary Days Made Cozy

Currently I'm sitting in my local Panera, enjoying a cup of coffee and a shortbread cookie. There is a locally owned coffee shop I could patronize, but it's usually kind of loud and the aroma of the place can give me a headache if I'm there too long.

[I think I conditioned myself to get that aroma-induced headache. I remember spending a lot of time in that shop two summers ago working on a particularly difficult Flash assignment for an intro. web class. I am not very adept at web to begin with, so Flash was a headache unto itself. I thank a friend for all the help he gave, I got an 'A' thanks to him.]

So, today, I've patronized the local Panera. There is a big bonus to this Panera over the local coffee shop - a fireplace. It's making this incredibly dreary November day (chilly, low overcast skies, drizzle, windy) incredibly cozy instead. It's true, the fireplace isn't "real". There are real flames, but they're generated from gas around what I can only assume are ceramic logs.

Sitting here got me to thinking about many humans attraction to fire. Not a new subject, but it's still interesting to ponder how we, as humans, willingly bring a destructive force into our dwellings. Now in some countries this is because it is the main source for cooking food and/or heat. But in many, like here in the USA, it has become something that is comforting.

A lot of nostalgia can be generated with just the image of a fireplace. Especially around the holidays in the late fall and winter.

I am a nostalgic and romantic by nature and during these dreary days I find myself yearning to be next to a lit fireplace more often than anywhere else. I wonder if I'm the only one.

Friday, October 30, 2009

One of my favorite things....

XKCD webcomic

Especially today's.

It talks about science and math and many things geek. I heart it with all my heart. Okay, not all. But there's a good portion of the webcomic section that xkcd overtakes.

If you haven't read this webcomic, and you like jokes about physics and geekdom, then you should read it. Now. I'll wait. Go on. I'll just finish reading A Brief History of Time while you do that. Don't worry about me.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Later today I hope to discuss the iDon't, Droid Does commercial, the responses and the Droid phone itself.

Stay tuned, folks!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Maple Leaf Cafe

I hope to visit the above on my next trip up to Trader Joe's in Ann Arbor, MI. I realize they're not in the same city, but close enough if I'm going North, anyways.

I love trying a new restaurant (usually) especially one with such rave reviews. The aristocrat omelette sounds particularly intriguing.

As always: comments? thoughts? opinions?

Update on "V"

Should probably be noted that "V" is a remake/reconstruction of a mini-series that ran in 1983. It was written and directed by Kenneth Johnson.


I think I've got it down, although I'm now following myself. Is that common?

"V" the new drama on ABC

I just watched the first 9 minutes of the new drama on ABC called "V" (via It premieres next Tuesday, November 3, at 8 PM.

The premise? First contact with extraterrestrials. It's got a very Independence Day feel to it (and that's even mentioned by someone giving an interview to a news station in the first 9 minutes) as large (let's say a couple of square miles) spaceships float over major cities around the world.

It seems the show will be about whether this alien species can be trusted. They give "hope," promised by the spokesperson/leader of the Visitors (hence "V") (played by Morena Baccarin of "Firefly" and Serenity - which was bugging me, I had to go look at to figure it out). But there's an undertone of "this is too good to be true." And it is, if you want spoilers, go read ABC's page - especially the bios.

I already have a good idea what the show will be about. Will I watch it? Most likely. I really like Baccarin in "Firefly" and I'm interested in seeing if the writers can make this same old, same old storyline interesting.

Here's the link for the 9 minute preview on

Tell me, what are YOUR thoughts?