Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The beginning...

I am taking one of the final courses required for my major this semester at school. Seeing as I am graduating in May, I must take this course now. Part of the course requirements is weekly journaling on our school sponsored blogs. I will be reposting these blogs here and adding comments. Expletives could be expected, but they'll be censored.

I realize this class will be incredibly helpful when looking for a job after graduation. But I am not looking forward to it. I've been in a state of panic for the past couple of days. I have a client now, but still.... The lyric "Freak out!" keeps running on an infinite loop in my mind.

Anyways, here's the first post:

"I have just participated in my first lab for VCT 4670, the synthesis course for VCT. Essentially, it is the final course for the VCT degree that will use everything I have learned so far.

Considering that I have been at BGSU since the fall of 2005, that's a lot of learning to apply.

With this class I hope, beyond discovering my limits and my abilities, to have more confidence in the abilities I do have.

The first step in this class is to find a client with a visual communication problem. A seemingly simple process, I sometimes panic while thinking about what the class requires the client to have as a visual communication problem.

However, I do have a few ideas.

One is to re-approach Nellie's Bagel Deli and Ice Cream Pub located in downtown BG. A local business that opened approximately three years ago, they are still struggling to get noticed in the local community and economy. Last semester I approached them during VCT 4600 and created a series of 7 advertisements for them.

I still need to show Nellie's these final advertisements. If they are pleased with them, I will propose to continue making advertisements for them that will hopefully get them access to the local economy.

Discussing their business with a couple of classmates lead me to realize that Nellie's is suffering from a branding and corporate identity issue. Locals may know that the restaurant exists, but they don't have much reason to utilize this business.

A classmate has promised me he will try Nellie's during the next week and give me his opinion on their product.

I enjoy Nellie's product myself (when regarding Nellie's bagel sandwiches) and that happened because I simply tried their product."

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